Sunday 23 June 2013

The cause of the Tibetan People

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        For decent work and a fair wage
Today among young Tibetans who live in cities, the unemployment rate has now reached 80%.

And even if they can find a job their pay is on average 40% lower than that paid to the children of Chinese settlers.

Unemployed or starvation wages are hunted, with their families, from the historical to make way for new buildings intended for the nomenklatura. Against this background by real apartheid for those who remain in the city life was made impossible and most of the families have to survive on less than a year redito 2000.00 yuan.
Inflation, which reached record levels in 2008, he then decimated the already low wages further reducing the standard of living of Tibetans. And in the countryside things are not going well.

Stop the deportation of peasants and pastoralists

In recent months, the Chinese Communist Party has issued an order to require the nomadic pastoralists and farmers to move at their own expense, in the "gulag" carried out in areas easily controlled by the Chinese security forces.
In the "socialist villages" there is no room for flocks and herds and the Tibetans are forced to sell off livestock and poultry, their only source of livelihood, before "move" in the new concentration camps.
While those who have dared to challenge the injunction government will be seen to raze the old house.
And this is just the beginning of the deportation of all pastors, all the peasants who still live in rural Tibet.
If the experiment is successful Doctors' modern settlements "where the natives will be" invited "to move on pain of arrest and the confiscation of all property.
2,500,000 Tibetans, over a third of the population, then they risk deportation!
After the inauguration of the railway, which has already resulted in Tibet tens of thousands of new settlers, today we are witnessing the largest mass deportation from the days of Soviet Russia.
The farmers and shepherds who have not yet been deported in the new "socialist villages" are seen expropriate the land in exchange for compensation symbolic that often are not even paid.
Among the Tibetans the literacy rate has plummeted as families are no longer able to pay for their studies to their children.
Health care is guaranteed only to those who can pay for care and medicines for us prohibitively expensive. The security simply does not exist.

Tibet belongs to Tibetans, the land belongs to those who work

Today, the Tibetan resistance has taken a big leap organizing the indefinite strike of the farmers in the eastern provinces.
To the young Tibetans in Lhasa, religious rioting in all the major monasteries today joined thousands of poor farmers who were able to give life to an extraordinary mobilization against the occupier.
For the first time in the history of Tibet agricultural workers went on strike assuming the leadership of the insurgency, one "political strike" claiming the release of all those arrested and the withdrawal of the occupation troops.
The strike began in early March has seen a massive membership in the villages of Jiwariwa, Dragan, Tsanbha, Ambha, Godha, Dhotrengdha, Ketreng, Jodha, Washul, Gazi, Shilu, Nguldha, Thartse, Bhothang, Khathang, Rongsum.
Despite a fierce repression (more than a hundred young farmers arrested and tortured by the communist political police in recent weeks) and well aware of the fact that even if able to escape arrest will face great sacrifices because the harvest has been affected, farmers do not signs of slowing and urge other workers to emulate their non-violent struggle.
And to no avail the appeals of political commissars and communist collaborators, both inside and outside Tibet, to stop the fight.
So are you finally laid the foundations for the creation of a social opposition that will be successful to the extent that we can give life to a great free union of all working men and women of Tibet.
It is not unrealistic to think that the protest of Tibetan farmers may now be closely connected with the rebellion of the Chinese peasants who see themselves "expropriate" the land by party officials and every day collide with the repressive apparatus of the regime.
Also remember that a few months ago millions of migrant workers were forced to return to their villages after they were expelled from companies in crisis.
The union has not been willing or able to do anything for them, and now, without remittances, entire rural communities will no longer have to support themselves.
This reserve army of labor in route no longer has any hope of finding a new job in rural and impoverished, without income and without protection, you may also decide that the time has come to settle accounts with the regime.

Organize to fight against exploitation and colonial domination Chinese

We believe it is necessary to overcome the heroic spontaneity that characterized this season of revolt and give birth to an independent union of all Tibetans of all productive sectors, to unify and organize the protest action.
Despite a thousand difficulties and sacrifice of many lives we have shown that we are able to cope with the last colonial power and its repressive apparatus.
Now, thanks to the support, the solidarity of Unions of free countries we can try to give hope to the millions of Tibetans who have not yet found the courage to rebel.
We must be able to demonstrate in practice that the struggle pays off and that rebelling is possible.
There are men and women determined to sacrifice their lives in the struggle for freedom and social justice and with the help of the international trade union movement will be victorious!

For an independent and democratic Tibet

After the tragic events of last spring many compatriots have finally realized that the liberation struggle will be a long-term struggle as the autocrats in Beijing have learned the lessons from the collapse of the USSR and do not intend to repeat the same mistakes of the CPSU.
We watch with interest the experience of Polish Solidarnosc has taught us that we need to build an underground network that is able to organize civil disobedience, strikes and demonstrations; resolute action, but which, to the extent possible, do not expose the our people in the reprisal of the Chinese Communists.
But if we can not build alliances while the brave patriots have limited possibilities to overthrow the regime.
There are other peoples, other nations colonized by the People's Republic Cinese.Uomini and women who feel like we can not accept the oppression of a bloody regime.
It is therefore necessary to build a United Front of all opposition, political and social, from East Turkestan to Tibet, Mongolia, South Manchuria.
Join forces and develop a shared strategy which would finally bring down the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party.
You also have to establish friendly relations with the workers and the Chinese democratic and create the conditions for a frank debate about the future of nations and peoples colonized by Beijing today.
We believe that should be the Tibetan people to freely determine their own future.
To this end, the United Nations will have the duty to organize all the territories occupied in a referendum to certify the will of the Tibetan people to regain possession of their country and their freedom. Thus exercising their inalienable right to self-determination.

Long live the struggle of the Tibetan People's Right!
Long live the Free Trade Union of Workers Tibetans!

Turin, 12/6/2009

Tibetan Solidarity

Translation by Sector International Politics of the ICFTU Piedmont

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