Sunday 23 June 2013

Freedom for Tibet, democracy for China!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The story, even recently, of our old Europe teaches us that it is not sacrificing himself on the altar of the ideology of non-violence that can break down the totalitarian regimes. 

The strength of the right of the oppressed has never, by itself, reason prevailed on the strength of the oppressors.

Only the courage and self-sacrifice of the patriots in revolt, determined to fight with every means against all forms of oppression, he brought peace and justice in a continent for centuries battered by ruthless tyranny.

Fascism was defeated only by the armies of the Allied and popular insurgency, the partisan struggle and the Anglo-American war effort.
The peoples of the Balkans were freed only after Tito's legacy dramatically reasserted its national identity in a clash painful.
The already tottering Soviet empire collapsed after a long, at times violent, conflict started in the distant province Polish and then extended to all domains.
And the young Berliners were able to enjoy dancing on the remains of the wall only through the sacrifice of those who were able to resist, even the strong support of free countries, the violence of the repressive apparatus.

In China, nobody can delude themselves then, as it is the heroic illusion that students who besieged the Forbidden City, that a dictatorship can tolerate self-reform and some form of transition to democracy.
In Tibet no mistake that the theoreticians of "democratic centralism" will never tolerate even a semblance of self-government.
The liberation struggle will be long lasting as the autocrats in Beijing have learned from the Soviet experience and certainly will not repeat the "errors" committed by the CPSU.
A special committee made up of brilliant researchers of the best Chinese universities has analyzed the reasons for the Soviet collapse and the hierarchs proposed the adoption of effective preventive measures, measures that later proved so effective as to prolong the agony of the regime and give new impetus to the "development" of the country.
Social control has extended the already weak political opposition was annihilated, workers intimidated by mass layoffs, the peasants deported.

China has thus become a superpower intended, with the current rates of economic and population growth, to dominate the world by imposing its "Eastern values" of Confucian.
It will do so because of its economic strength, political and financial.
Even today, leaders in Beijing, wisely dosing seduction commercial and military threat, they can heavily influence the decisions of individual governments and international organizations.
After yet another farce staged at the UN Human Rights Commission even the United States seem to be more cautious in countering the hegemonic will of Beijing.
It 'a few weeks ago the news that the request of the American union to impose some rules for import of products "made in gulag" was rejected by the White House not to affect the profits of the multinationals who, working for many years in China , finance the election campaign of President.

China is rampant and the new colonial power which has already taken (without a shot being fired!) Control of Hong Kong and Macao and is preparing to retake the reason of force the "renegade province" of Taiwan.
Keeps artificially alive territorial disputes with India and Bhutan, feeds the Maoist guerrillas in Nepal, provides (via Pakistan) nuclear technology to North Korea, works with the Laotian regime, says the Burmese dictatorship.
And in a world in which there is no need to physically occupy a territory to impose its domination look, thanks to its rich and powerful diaspora, to become the engine of development of all the countries in the area to make them dependent on its economic policies .

Faced with all this pathetic appeal for dialogue and the spread of self-harm Tibetan leaders only strengthens the will to power of the colonizers.
Fuelling the resignation will only lead to future, even more bloody conflicts whose responsibility will fall on all of us.
Instead, we must contribute to the creation of a grand alliance of all those who are fighting against the regime and give hope to those who, humiliated and oppressed, have not yet found the courage to rebel.
 Before it's too late!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               copy frm

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