Friday 21 June 2013

Short conversation with Tsering Rangzen Dolker

.  Tibetan Movement :    What do u think about Tibetan youth congress ? How much it important for Tibet issue.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tsering Rangzen Dolker :  what I think about TYC

Tibetan Youth Congress is a very important organization and has been for the longest time. It has a stellar record for the last 43 years in exile history in terms of political campaigns, youth leadership, social work, public education, and preservation of culture and history. Moreover, it is an organization that is devoted to Independence and therefore provides a forum for those of us who believes in independence to gather, discuss ideas, build network, makes life-long friends, and further the goal of independence.

The fight for the right of one's own country is the birthright of every individual and nation, whether it is convenient or not. The goal of independence keep the flame of Tibet alive and help in creating a separate identity apart from the Chinese identity that is forcefully imposed on our brothers and sisters inside Tibet. Once a group believes they are a separate and fights for their own country and refuse to be just a subset of a nation, then there is always hope and cause for success.

It also helps in creating an atmosphere of democracy in the exile community which is helpful and beneficial for the long run. The track record of Tibetan Youth Congress producing leaders is illustrious and includes who is who of the exile leadership starting from the last few Tibetan prime ministers. That clearly reflects the effectiveness of Tibetan Youth Congress leadership programs and the reasons why it is important for all of us. It is ok to disagree with the path of TYC and they are not forcing you to adopt their path but it is not ok to steal their good name and logo to promote one's fledgling organization, especially when one of its goal is completely opposite to that of TYC. It is especially hurtful when this particular upstart organization used to be a branch of TYC and supposedly are the future leaders of Diaspora. One must pursue one's goal with honor and dignity if one desires great result. A path laid with thorns will end up not only hurting one's own foot but also others.


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